Think of me…
as a small town, progressive historic preservationist with big ideas.
About Me
I’ve lived in the village since 1993 after moving to Michigan for a job. That job eventually ended and others came along, but here I am many years later, loving small town life with my friends and colleagues.
I have two children. My daughter Becca lives in South Florida with her husband and their two daughters. My stepson Eric lives in Seattle with his wife and son. I found that occasional long weekend trips work pretty well for visits and I look forward to traveling again.
I’ve been a member of the Franklin Village Council since 2012. I was elected President in November 2016. I am the first woman to serve in that role. There have been a small handful of women trustees starting with Florence Saltzmann many years ago. I am happy to break that mold and encourage other women to seek leadership roles on the village council and elsewhere in the village.
Prior to village council I served on the Village Planning Commission for several years, serving as chair when I resigned to join Council as an appointee in 2012. I was principal author of the 2006 Master Plan and helped shift thinking about the Master Plan as a passive document to an active guide to setting and acting on village land use priorities.
My Other Job: I own HansenJones Associates, LLC, a coaching /consulting small business. I have worked with and for large organizations on ways to engage employees and grow strong leaders for over 20 years, after leaving my last real job in the late 90’s. I’ve used my experience in automotive, healthcare and financial services industries to expand into government/non-for-profit sectors, assisting them improve their service delivery. I also have a coaching practice aimed at mid/senior leaders.
I am active in local organizations such as Inforum, Women Officials Network and the SheHive in Ferndale, teaching or otherwise supporting development of women leaders in our area. I also represent Franklin in the Michigan Association of Mayors.