Pam Hansen
Village Trustee
Hello Villagers,
I am asking for your vote to re-elect me on November 3, 2020.
I have been your Village President since November 2016 and would like to continue.
A lot of great things have happened since 2016 and much is left to do.
Think of me as a small town, progressive historic preservationist with big ideas and a lot of confidence in the people who live in, work in, and provide services to the village.
Write it in!
Please write in my name on your absentee ballot or on the ballot you complete when you go to the Franklin Community Church to vote on November 3.
My name will not be on the printed ballot because of a campaign reporting issue from August 2016 that I learned about on September 2, 2020, and was not able to resolve by the time the regular ballots were printed. It has been since resolved.
How to fill in the ballot.
1. Write in Pam Hansen
2. Fill in the choice block
Thank you for your vote of confidence.
What is ahead if I get your vote?
We need to continue to invest in the Village by ensuring our residents can safely get where they want to go in the Village on foot, by bicycle and car.
We will continue to support economic development in our downtown including attracting businesses that Villagers want.
In the next four years we must have a plan, supported by villagers, to assure safe and sufficient water in all corners of the Village.
We will continue to carefully manage our financial resources and provide outstanding service from our office, police and fire departments.
The Village President does nothing alone. I am proud of my leadership on these Franklin Council accomplishments:
Completed 28 miles of road repaving and repair.
The downtown Streetscape Plan and Design that preserves the architectural beauty of village buildings and includes street lighting, restoration of the tree canopy, adding pedestrian walkways, and fixing long-standing drainage problems in the downtown. Our long-term goal ensures that the Village buildings, in the heart of historic Franklin, are revived and well maintained.
New ordinances that enable the Village to hold owners accountable for maintaining their downtown properties.
New incentives for maintaining business properties including access to technical assistance and financial help for building improvements via Main Street Franklin and Main Street Oakland County
Managing taxpayer money well by investing our cash in short term securities and installing municipal financial accounting software that enables the Village to efficiently manage functions necessary to run the village
A new contract with our police department that leveled officer compensation with other similar communities in our area.
A new diversity and inclusion resident/trustee committee that will be a forum for addressing issues related to belonging in the village, which has always relied on volunteerism to run it.
Hiring new Village Administrator Roger Fraser, and Deputy Clerk, Doreen Martin. Awesome team.
Being Village President requires managing many priorities including overseeing the $2.2 M operating budget, interacting with external agencies and Oakland County, listening to residents’ concerns and leading the Council to ensure the Village is vibrant and healthy today and 20 years from now.
Accomplishing our Franklin Village goals requires trustees capable of thinking of the overall good of the village as they promote their own interests and priorities.
I am strongly supporting these candidates:
Franklin Trustee Mike Seltzer, with whom I have served for many years.
Mark Hanke is a Franklin business owner and long-term village volunteer
who is running for his first term as trustee.
Please vote for Mike, Mark, and me on November 3.
Watch these weekly conversations where residents ask questions of Pam, Mark, and Mike.
The first of weekly conversations with Pam Hansen, Michael Seltzer and Mark Hanke. This one took place on 9/23/2020. Tune in next week for the next installment!
Let's talk about MONEY! Candidates Pam Hansen, Mark Hanke and Michael Seltzer will talk a bit about Franklin Village finances as a jumping off point for this...